
How Influencer Marketing Helped Animal House Fitness Scale from 0 to $3 Million in Six Months

Podcast Details

In this episode, we’ve discussed some new concepts in Influencer Marketing, and the story of Animal House Fitness influencer marketing strategies.


Topics that we have touched


1:35 – The story behind growing Animal House Brand with influencer marketing.

7:40 – How do you find and track these influencers and their posts?

9:43 – How do you really genuine build relationships with influencers?

14:59 – How do you use influencers’ content to grow further?

18:56 – What is whitelisting? And, how does it really work?

26:33 – Some folks have tried influencer marketing but it did not work for them – What would you tell them?

Key Links


Key Lessons

  • In order to do influencer marketing the right way. You need to offer free products with no strings attached. You build relationships with them. You find a brand fit.
  • Mighty Scout a tool that can help you find the right influencers for your brand.
  • Once you find those key influencers whose content are taking off. You take it further and make UGC Ads on it.
  • To further strengthen the relationship, you post on their Facebook Ad manager with their content. It’s called Whitelisting (more information is below).

Take Advantage of Influencer Whitelisting

Influencer whitelisting is all about granting brand advertising permissions to an influencer’s social media account.

More specifically, it’s about serving ads from influencers (Instagram and Facebook primarily), taking their content, Coca-Cola’s and handling copy, audience, budget, and running ads to their audience.

Typically, on organic social, reach frequency engagement is incredibly limited. Influencers’ reach is 10%, and out of those, 2-3% of them will engage with the content at its peak) — but with whitelisting, reach is almost unlimited.

With whitelisting, you have full control of distribution. You can also:

  • Set up the customer journey
  • See the website visitors
  • Learn who clicked on your ad
  • Create custom audiences and retarget those people

The possibilities are endless, and brands can directly speak to an audience that is more likely to resonate with the brand’s products.

How To Pitch Whitelisting to Influencers?

You can do whitelisting from the start if you have great funding.

However, it’s better to first lay the foundations with seeding and only then offer the whitelisting. By that time, you’ll know how to directly target their followers with the right stuff.

Start by building trust — the whole seeding process (and the “free product” tactic) serves to build trust between brand and influencer. Go the mentioned route: seeding, examining their content, seeing what works, and picking top performers to pitch to.

Then, explain what’s in it for them. Whitelisting is a win-win strategy for both the influencer and the brand behind them. Influencers get higher reach and exposure — the growth that makes them more visible and successful. In addition to that, the ads you create in their name don’t show up in their feed.


[00:00:00]  Aazar: Taylor was a Fractional CMO of the animal house was able to scale his business from zero to 3 million in six months with influencer marketing. And that made me go. Wow. And so I thought about covering a story. There are a lot of learning in this. And because of this story, I actually got to idea that we can actually steal. 

[00:00:22] For  B2B influencer marketing. So stay tuned by the way. This is growth marketing stories where we try to learn from. Growth marketer’s mindset and their mental models. 10 tips or hacks so let’s just dive into it this is growth marketing stories

[00:00:40]  So before we go any further, let me introduce you to Taylor.  Taylor is the co-founder of kynship and influencer marketing agency. What I’ve learned from Taylor is unlike from other influencer marketing space, and I think he actually knows his stuff. 

[00:01:00] One more thing I can tell you that his strategies are cutting. Ads are really new. And I discovered him from everything is marketing from Corey and his podcast. 

[00:01:09] I want just want to tell you one more thing that is that. There are a couple of concepts that is white listing, which were really interesting for me. So I have given them in the show notes, so you can have a look at it and also. The articles related to it and a story. So you can just dive into it if you’re really interested, how exactly did it. Let us dive into the podcast 

[00:01:35] Taylor: [00:01:35] So it’s actually a funny story around animal house fitness specifically. This guy’s actually one of my really good friends, the founder,  it dates back to UCLA sophomore year call and she literally lived,  across the way from me at our apartment complex. So our relationship goes all the way back to then, and then we actually reconnected about two years ago.

[00:01:54]Bachelor party of a mutual best friend of ours. And he was just asking me who he knew the space that I was in. He was asking me a ton of questions like, Hey, how should I go about launching this product that we’re coming out with? It’s this, it’s this new patented technology that they have basically animal health fitness, the product itself.

[00:02:09] It looks like. It’s basically a device that is able to strap on and connect to  any sort of dumbbell on your feet. So now you’re able to lift dumbbells with your feet, not just your arms, et cetera. So that’s the product, it’s a new patented piece of technology. So basically on this bachelor party, he was just picking my head, how do we launch this?

[00:02:26] How do we get it in the hands of influencers? How do we get them talking about us? What should we do on the paid media side of things for Facebook ads and Instagram ads, because that’s everything that our business does? So it just started, you know, probably. Two years ago, almost a year and a half ago of just, you know, talking shop lending free advice just to a friend.

[00:02:45] And then, you know, about six months ago in October, he was like, Hey, I did everything that you had recommended. This is where we’re at. We’re about to launch. Can you just take a peek into the ad account? You know, we started seeding influencers as you had recommended. So we’re able to get some content.

[00:03:00] At that point, I was just like, man, I’ll do this favor for you. I’ll get this thing launched. We’ll see how it goes. And then we just launched. And then it was started at like, man, we started probably at 200 bucks in ad spend per day. And he was starting to get like a 20 to one ROAS on. I was like, okay, there’s something here.

[00:03:18] Like I’ll just run this as we scale efforts up. And basically from there. How we predominantly work is we do a lot of outreach and identification of influencers on behalf of brands. And so when it came to them at this point, you know, we’ve seated 187 influencers. And what do I mean by seeding is basically we’re seeding.

[00:03:40] Like we’re planting seeds with influencers. So we’re reaching out to the people that we identify as a great brand fits in a way that I think is completely different than the rest of the marketplace that lends itself to genuine relationship-building instead of a transactional relationship. It’s more relational.

[00:03:56] So basically all of these reach outs are done in a way where, Hey, we think you’re a great band fit. We think you’d love this new product that we just came out with. We want to give it to you free of cost, no strings attached. Just let us, you know, What’s your address. We’ll get it out right out to you. So we’re not asking anything of them in return and this just lends itself to such greater opt-in and starting a relationship in the right way in comparison to, Hey.

[00:04:19] We’ll send you this product so long as you post on our behalf or so long as X, whatever like you’re basically asking someone on a date, and then you’re asking them to pay for dinner. It’s just like, it’s a bad way to start a relationship. So in that basically the reason we did this and the reason why I had recommended my friend, Paul, who’s the founder of this company to do these sort of outreaches, to begin with.

[00:04:39] We also took this over in a very mass way on his behalf is. Man, all these guys, even though we didn’t ask them to post these posts just started flooding in, right. They just started going organic, organic, organic, and grew and grew and grew through all these posts because we started that relationship, these influence of the right way and all of this content, we’re following up [00:05:00] with them saying, Hey, you know, thank you.

[00:05:02] So we’re so glad you loved what we had sent you so much so that you shared this. You know, with your audience through this post, we would love to be able to share this content with our audiences as well. Can we have the right to do so? So following up for the rights to this content, right? The biggest value adds here.

[00:05:18] Building those genuine relationships with influencers. You see time and time again. They don’t just post. Once. Once they become a brand adopted, they’re posting several times in this campaign, we’ve seen the same person posts 31 times. I’m a halfway animal house fitness. You get those people. A huge value add here is being able to get usage rights, repurposing that into the ad account.

[00:05:37] Every so I said, you started, you know, we started running paid media at like 200 bucks per day. Again, it was just a friend’s ad account. It wasn’t one of our clients by any means at that time, saw that in this return, we will go from spending $200 per day with the amount of creativity that we have that is just native to the feed that is top-performing content, free of cost content we’re spending.

[00:06:00] [00:05:59] $7,000 per day. Right now it’s continuing to scale. That’s when all the way up. And so. That’s kind of the story of like how, and you know how we’re doing this, the amount of content that we’re able to get. I mean, Facebook ads, the name of the game is creative. You’ll get guru tactical ad buyers, come on podcasts and say this and that about their niche targeting and the way that they, you know, you have to be able to structure an ad funnel for sure.

[00:06:22] From the top of the funnel to retargeting. 100%, but Facebook’s algorithm machine learning system is so sophisticated at this point that they will find the cheapest conversions within your audience targets, and they will find that low-hanging fruit on your behalf. The biggest key to success is creative and influencers are the best at it.

[00:06:39] And so finding a way to build genuine relationships with these people where they’re constantly supplying you with fresh content and top-performing content for you to use across your distribution channels. Facebook and Instagram ads as a definite,  lane for that content to really thrive. That’s how we’ve scaled,  animal house fitness.

[00:06:57] And that’s how we’re continuing to build [00:07:00] relationships with influencers. As we see the number of posts per month, per day, continued to increase the organic social, continue to have more buzz around it, and just more content for us to repurpose and run within paid media. So. That’s a little bit, the story, he’s actually a really good friend of mine,  which is awesome.

[00:07:17] I love  being able to come alongside him and his business in this he’s a full-time client since that day, one of launching it together. And we’re continuing to scale from here, but would love to hear any questions, concerns,  throughout that process of how we’ve gone about it. Cause I’m sure I was kind of a high level of at all.

[00:07:32]Aazar:  how did you find out these people are talking about animal house fitness or did you just look at social mentions and social listening and then figure it out?

[00:07:40] Taylor: Oh, great question. Great question. I’m glad you’re tracking. So we use, we use a tool called mighty scout,  and it is so integral to our process and what it is we do so mighty scout instead of like having animal house Fitness’s team, basically, just scavenge all of social media or someone on our team.

[00:08:00] Gavin’s all social media and Hawkins 24 seven. All the people we send out the product to, which again is a, at this point is 187 people we’ve sent product to. And so we’re sending this product, no strings attached. So there isn’t a set date for them to post at a set time. It’s all going to be unique content that the posting at a time, you know, completely contingent off of them.

[00:08:21] And it’s simply that postdate is one to two days that number C in product. So you can kind of. You know, track along and guess when they are, but that’s a nightmare and that’s so much labor. So mighty scout, the value add of this tech, and it’s like a dollar 50 to $2 per person you put in there. So super inexpensive.

[00:08:37]The value out of it is it aggregates all the organic analytics in real-time of the influencers who post about you. But even more so it aggregates all and collects all the content that’s being posted, where you can literally go and see the content that was posted and click download. Download it. Then you want to get usage rights and follow up with them.

[00:08:55] You can reformat into nine by 16, one by one for all Facebook and Instagram ad placements. [00:09:00] Caption it, get it live. And so that is the biggest value out there. And we’re constantly, not only are we making sure these influencers are brand fits and you know, they have captured audiences that the brand cares about, but we’re doing it.

[00:09:15] We’re doing a real deep dive. This is where a white-glove approach has really applied into whether each and every single one of these influencers is great video content creators specifically, would we trust this influencer? If they posted about us to create video content, to speak to the value adds of the product incredibly well to show how they’re uniquely using this product, et cetera because we want as much video content as possible.

[00:09:38] It always outperforms static imagery across all distribution channels. So it’s a little bit of the process there.

[00:09:43]Aazar: Got it. And just for my sake, like influencers usually get a lot of free products. Right. And you also said it in your previous podcast with Corey HainesThe first step. So, and they started naturally posting, like, do they even accept and start considering the product?

 Even if you send them a free one? Like, how does that work?

[00:10:02]Taylor: influencers a lot of time receive free product, but I will say, I don’t know of any other agencies, gifting product, no strings attached. I think that is where we are incredibly unique. And a lot of brands are hesitant to do that, even when we show them like our average results, right. Like, oh, but we’re going to gift a hundred products, no strings attached, and we may not get any posts on it.

[00:10:26] Yeah, you may not at the end of the day, but we’ve seen 30 to 50% of the people that you send product to post and that’s all for free. A lot of the time free product is sent out to influencers if they’re posting or if you paid them in addition to the product that you sent over to them, which is all transactional.

[00:10:44]And so. I don’t see anybody else in the marketplace sending product in a way that is planting seeds of genuine relationships, no strings attached, asking nothing of them in return, but we’ve seen 30 to 50% of the people that we end up seeing it and sending product to end up posting and the only cost thereof those posts and ultimately content that you can repurpose.

[00:11:04] And once you get users rights to it, just the cogs of your product at the end of the day. And so 30 to 50 influencers posting, and that’s a cost of you, the cogs of your product to a hundred people. Compare that against, you know, 30 to 50 posts. If you went through an influencer agency, or if you contracted those 30 to 50 people on your own, that’s going to be 30K at a minimum, and then usage rights to 30 to 50 assets.

[00:11:27] That’s probably another 30K and that’s it, I think we’re being conservative here. So you’re saving a lot of money at the end of the day, by building again, the relationship in the right way with these people.

[00:11:37]Aazar: You talking about genuine relationships. Can you talk about like, what does it mean by building genuine relationships other than no strings attached or product free part where you actually authentically try to build relationships and where do you exactly build a relationship, build a relationship on the Instagram account or to email?

[00:11:53] Like, how does it work?

[00:11:54]Taylor: well, it all starts with that first touchpoint, right. That first date, we’re not taking them on a date, asking them to pay by asking them to post about us, by paying them to post about us. So yeah, that first touchpoint, we’re reaching out over DM and,  like on Instagram as well as over email.

[00:12:08]And that’s where we’re sending that message to them, trying to get the brand and that product in their hands and just letting them know, Hey, instead of like, again, most relationships in this influencer space are started in a way where a brand takes a seat at one side of the table and they address an influencer on the other side of the table.

[00:12:24] And that’s how it feels. You’re starting a negotiation instead of a relationship. And so that first touchpoint is huge, right? And so basically the way we do it is we come to their side of the table, put our arm around them, hand them a gift and say, Hey, we just want you to have this and basically walk away from there.

[00:12:43] That’s it. And they’re just like, Every single one of these people are so appreciative at the end of the day, because it’s just such a  refreshing taste in their mouth. Right? In comparison to the amount of times that they have to run that negotiation cap and basically like fight for a certain price point fight for their rate fight for their worth at the end of the [00:13:00] day.

[00:13:00] Because so often this space influencers have been exploited by brands and taken advantage of. And a lot of brands get a bad rep. So by starting it in that way. Amazing. And again, our second touch point at that at that point is showing our appreciation of the content that they posted. And so from there, how we build relationships after that is we gauge who’s content performed incredibly well ,  organically, but again, more importantly in the ad account.

[00:13:24] So who are people that are worth, you know, building even. Greater relationship with at that point. And basically, once we identified who those people are, like, you know, after doing like three months of seating, you can revisit and look at all the content creators that have created content on your behalf, posted about you content that was repurposing.

[00:13:43] How account whose content performed the best and maybe identify five people to start with depending on your team’s bandwidth internally and say, Hey, like, Your content has done incredibly well. We love what you’re doing. We want to come alongside you in a [00:14:00] greater and more expansive way.

[00:14:01] We want to honor your posts by giving you an affiliate link on the organic side. If you choose to continue to post about us, we want you to get paid. And then on the other side of things like. We want to get more content out of this person, like, okay, their testimonials work, let’s get more testimonial content that our use their user case video of how they use the product has done and performed incredibly well.

[00:14:20] Let’s get more of that. And this way you can actually pay them. At that point, you’re probably going to get a price point. That’s probably half of their actual rate because you’ve built this general relationship with them. You’re reached out in the right way. You’re connecting with them in a way that honors them , and shows like appreciation of them. And so at that point, give them a creative brief with scenes talking points that you specifically want based off what’s worked. And then just continue to identify who those brand ambassadors are based off. Who’s really performing for your team.

[00:14:48]Aazar: What kind of content usually worked with animal house fitness stories? Like what was working well and what kind of content do you see usually working with influencers? Is it just testimonials and use cases or something?


[00:15:00]Taylor: Yeah. Great question. So for animal health fitness, specifically, we’ve seen just use case videos work incredibly well. So there’s like a variety of different workouts you can do with this device. That again attaches to a dumbbell on your foot. And then this. Showing the product used in a variety of different ways and the number of workouts that you’re able to do with it, that has worked incredibly well.

[00:15:22] People just pushing themselves to the limit in a certain workout, but testimonials have worked well as well. It’s a new product. So at the prospect and top of the funnel, it does entail some education. So people talking about, you know, what, this is what it does, the value adds of it, how we can work your legs and new ways that has done well.

[00:15:40] But what I always recommend to a brand. That hasn’t worked with influencers before and what this seeding program lends itself to is you’re going to get a diverse set of content from influencers. You’re going to get the unboxing, you’re going to get the testimonials. You’re going to get the different use cases.

[00:15:55] You’re going to get the entire gamut of the type of content that UGC lends itself to. And that’s what I would recommend if you haven’t used this at a mass scale before because what the beauty of Facebook’s algorithm is when it comes to Facebook and Instagram ads is you give it that input. Of this diverse set of creative, they are going to find the winners at every level of the funnel, every step of the customer journey, and figure out and identify what type of UGC from these influencers works best at each level of this funnel.

[00:16:25] And then you scale from there, right? So when you identify those top five creators out of those, from that three months of seating, you know what to go back to those people with scenes-wise, talking points-wise, cause you’ve seen what’s worked, but from the jump, I would test all of them.

[00:16:39]Aazar: Makes sense. And while we’re thinking about it, imagine if it wouldn’t have worked out for you guys, the free thing, it can also go that better. I’m just inverting it in a way that thinking, like, what if it wouldn’t have worked out with you? Like what you would have done then.

[00:16:54] Taylor: I would double down, honestly, at the end of the day, you know, our [00:17:00] ratio of people that post it to the number of people that we like. So typically we have like a ratio of, you know, we identify and reach out to 300 people about 100 and like influencers opt in to receive product. And then about 30 to 50% of the people.

[00:17:14] So in this scenario, 30 to 50 people end up posting and talking about the product, let’s say. 300 people were identified. We seeded 20 and then two people posted. I would double down those efforts triple down those efforts, quadruple down those efforts, because at the end of the day, these relationships are invaluable.

[00:17:33]Again like this person ,  I’m looking at mighty scout right now within this account, one person has posted 41 times. Second 28 times third influencer, 28 times fourth influencer, 18 times, fifth influencer, 12 times. So even if you identify one brand adopter, like. The 41 pieces of content, this person talking about animal health, fitness, organically, and then content that we can repurpose as ads.

[00:17:58] That is invaluable. So even if we get one, two, three, you want to do this approach every month to try to get as many of these people as possible a part of your community as you build out that genuine community. So yes, did this product. It was the perfect product for COVID right. People go home, they need something to replace all this leg machinery.

[00:18:19] It was the perfect product and it’s new pen technology. It’s just something that will break the social feed quite honestly. But let’s say that not that many people opt in to receive this, not that many posted about it right away. I would still do this every month and scale up these efforts even more.

[00:18:34] And the amount of people that we’re identifying to try to get the amount of product that we’re sending out in the hands of these influencers to ultimately get. One influencer per month, two influencers per month. Three. Just want to continue to build that out because they are the best content creators, and it’s just free of costs at the end of the day.

[00:18:50] If you get that usage rights , it’s less expensive than the studio shoots and it’s more effective content when you run it as ads from what we’ve seen. 

[00:18:56]Aazar: Got it. Did you try some white listing? First of all, define what whitelisting is and like did you try some whitelisting with this product as well? You’ve been a buyer listing was the newest concept for me. So I’d love to learn a little bit about if you tried some whitelisting and like, if this worked out for animals house as well.

[00:19:14]Taylor: So not yet. So the steps of the process of getting to when you white list, I would never recommend if you’re just launching a brand, unless you’re backed and funded and you have the ability to immediately put a face to the brand and someone like the rock, like if you have that sort of backend, then maybe do whitelist from the jump.

[00:19:32] But how we typically recommend it is, Hey, we’re starting small and we’re starting by laying the foundations as an influencer marketing program. We start with seeding every time. Once we identified who those top creators are, we expand the ,  our relationship with them the way where we’re contracting them for content.

[00:19:48] Once we have that sort of relationship with we’re, we’re continuing to see whose content works, what audiences resonating within Facebook and ads. After that, which is where we’re [getting to that step, actually. Yeah. At this point with animal house fitness, we haven’t done so yet that’s when we start engaging influencers for whitelisting ability, which again is just the ability to serve ads from their social, handles their Instagram, their Facebook, instead of it coming from the brand, Instagram and Facebook when serving those ads and you’re able to directly target.

[00:20:19]The people that have engaged with our content, so their followers over the last 365 days over those two platforms. So it is a great way. If people care about influencers, audience, as a means for distribution, which is not, I wouldn’t recommend caring about their organic as a means of distribution, the social algorithms have just really limited your ability to reach the people that follow them.

[00:20:41] It’s like 10% on average. And that’s actually a lot for what the algorithm is. Is allowing these days. And then two to 3% engagement. I still think when it comes to influencers when the audience size is bigger, that is probably aggressive. And so if you care about their distribution, their audiences, it means a distribution, white listing enables you to reach that entire audience.

[00:21:02] And not just in a one-off post-war 10% of the audiences. At one time, you can reach that entire audience at a frequency of whatever you like. You can retarget that audience as many times as you want. Engagement obviously goes out the window. You’re optimizing for conversion at this point, but you will get a lot more likes.

[00:21:17] You will get a lot more comments, et cetera. And again, you can then segment, you know, retargeting audiences off of this instead of, you know, organically. You’re just, if you haven’t post several times, you’re just reaching. The same audience several times, instead of like, if you run, you know, whitelisting ads, you can retarget 75% video viewers of that content.

[00:21:37] You can retarget people that visit the website from that content. You can retarget people that added to your cart and initiate a checkout from that initial piece of content, with new pieces of content specifically, and uniquely speaking to that end-user, that watcher person, seeing that ad ,  in a way.

[00:21:54] That speaks to them at the step of the journey that they’re at, which is something that organic is not able to do at this time. And we’re doing that through all the content that we’re getting organically. We’re just at this point, serving all of their content from animal house, Fitnesses, Instagram, and Facebook, as we continue to see which influencers are the best content creators, and which influencers are creating the content, some that are scaling and really working before we engage in that sort of a relationship with them.

[00:22:20]It was a lot of people in this space, like feeding, BS about influencer marketing at the end of the day. On the, I mean we can go through as many of them as you want, but on the whitelisting front, there’s a lot of platforms. I won’t name any names or there’s a lot of companies trying to enable this process to be simpler, to get whitelisting access, because the steps in the process of getting whitelisting is the same way a brand would grant.

[00:22:44] If they were to outsource their media, buying the Facebook and Instagram media bind to an agency in the same way that they give partnership access to their Instagram handle, to their Facebook handle, to an agency that is basically what an influencer has to do to an agency for them to run those ads.

[00:22:58] So people and companies try to make that step really seamless. And so they. Having an entire business around that. And there’s a lot of these businesses. As of right now, I don’t even know of one that does it the right way. Only gets access to their handles, to run ads. They don’t give them the ability to build an audience to the target of their followers and other engagers over the last three and 65 days, which is the only value.

[00:23:25] If you don’t have that whitelisting is there’s not really a point. To it. You want to be able to serve ads from their handle, into the people that fall into the people they have a cloud over to the, into the people that these people actually engage with their content. If you don’t have the ability to do that, there is no value here.

[00:23:40] And there are people are getting charged a decent amount of money to be able to do this because there’s being sold on the fact of. Forex there your row as five X your ROAS when it’s just complete nonsense, absolute nonsense. And again, I won’t name any names, but if you have an interest in doing this and you look up on Google, you know, what platforms enable whitelisting, make sure on that initial kickoff call with them that, you know, before you onboard with them, you ask them, Hey, In Facebook ads manager.

[00:24:07] Do I have the ability to build audiences off of this influencer, engagers? The people that have that are following them, if not red flag get out of there, it’s not worth your time. Because at the end of the day, if you look at a heat chart of an ad people’s eyes goes to content, the actual video asset, or the static image that’s being run, then it goes to the headline, the one-liner underneath the piece of content.

[00:24:29] Then it goes to the call to action, which is like the shop now button. Then it goes to the copy, the body copy, which has all the writing above the assets, the video, or the static image. And then it goes to the social handle. Like it is a last thing on the steps of a heat chart where people’s eyes are drawn to.

[00:24:47] And at the end of the day, like Facebook measures. A three-second video views as a worthy, you know, video view of something like, dang, this person stayed that long that’s worth noting. It probably takes three seconds to [00:25:00] go through that and like that progression. So not that many people, all that to say not many end viewers are looking at where this is being served from, unless it’s targeting their followers, that’s where it will have a big impact.

[00:25:11] And so you don’t have the ability to do that. Not worth your time. Red flag. Get out of there. These guys are just trying to do a money grab.

[00:25:17]Aazar: And what about the organic post of influencer marketing? Like where people say this is also kind of a good for brand awareness, not for conversions, but you, you clearly got zero to 1 million in four months through organic and influencer marketing. 

[00:25:30]Taylor: [00:25:30] but, but so no conversions from organic though. Zero conversions from organic, the main value add, I mean, I can’t say that there’s no attributable conversions, right? Our organic traffic has gone way up and our only organic traffic is coming from influencers. So that’s obviously helping our retargeting pools convert at a much higher rate when it comes to paid media.

[00:25:54] So it does lend itself to it, but we are never going to be the agency that says, Hey, We [00:26:00] need to do organic influencer to start to generate a mass revenue,  in the immediate no, no, no, no. We, we tell brands and we communicate, Hey, any conversions that take place from these are these influencers, organic and posts about your brand that’s gravy.

[00:26:13] That’s the cherry on top. What you’re getting though from this is yeah, a lot of organic traffic as you see these influencers, but it’s the content that they’re creating. That is the main value add here. They do it better than anyone in this space. Their content is most native to the feed. We want to be able to repurpose that content and get it into the ad account.

[00:26:33]Aazar: totally makes sense. The next question for you is that this is something that  I went ahead and asked a couple of the e-commerce folks and they said, Hey,  what do you find currently bullshit or not working in e-commerce and people said influencer marketing didn’t work for us because influencer marketing was good for brand awareness and engagement, but then the conversions were never good.

[00:26:54] Two or three people came to me. Some people said it worked for us. So there’s a dichotomy of like having two opinions, like infants marketing works or doesn’t work. For people who are hearing it and they skeptical about influencer marketing.  For people who believe that this is not working, what do you have to say to them?

[00:27:11] Taylor: We haven’t done one studio shoot. We haven’t paid for one piece of content on bath animal house fitness. All of this has been stockpiled by an, on the backs of influencer seeding and getting all this content free of cost because we started that relationship with these people in the right way at the end of the day.

[00:27:26] So as you spend more in Facebook paid media, Basically what’s called creative fatigue sets in quicker. And that’s basically where performance,  plateaus or decreases as assets. These influencers’ UGC has been exhausted within a given audience. It stops for forming at the rate it was initially. And so you have to be able to supplement and resupply your ad account consistently when new creative.

[00:27:52] This is what animal house fitness has been able to do incredibly well through seating. I’m backed up with the amount of content that I have at my disposal [00:28:00] to get implemented in the ad account week-in and week-out backed backlog. I have so much, and again, 30 to 50 posts, and the initial month goes from 40 to 60 to 50 to 70.

[00:28:12] It continues to compound as you seed more and more and more because they’re not just posting once. They’re posting twice. They’re posting 20 times. They’re posting 30 times over the course of time, more and more and more. So that’s the biggest value add content creation. So you want to identify the best ones out of it.

[00:28:33]Aazar: So I hope you’ll find this interesting because for me. It’s very interesting, especially the whitelisting part and that leveraging the free product. These are like something that I have not seen and heard previously. But the most important thing that I’m learning from here. Is to build relationships with different kinds of influencers and you know, and the inferences that are performing really well, double down and work even further and do whitelist with them. 

[00:28:56] If you still don’t understand what whitelisting is, I would say that it’s, it’s a way to actually work with you. Most promising influencers through their ad account and reach their audience and show them ads through their own video. And that’s the most interesting part for me. So. If I were to. 

[00:29:14] You know, like. So I’m going to do this, but if I were to start a new SaaS product today, or any product today, what I will do is I’ll give free products to the most influential people. I remember like I was thinking of sending a free product to Or Susan. I just mean like anybody who’s. It was in like, let’s say SAS marketing space. So that’s one thing that I can see, like, you know, giving free product and like making sure that they try the product and give them really free product at least for two, three years. 

[00:29:43] So they try it and if they like it, they will naturally promote you everywhere. And especially on social media posts. The other thing that I can think about as a second strategy is that if you have affiliate marketing, Already working for you and you have a couple of affiliates. Every company has. 

[00:30:00]  If their affiliate program, 20% of the affiliates are bringing revenue instead of 80%. I would actually double down and this is what I’m going to actually do with vitals. My current company is that. I will actually reach out to my current affiliates and do whitelisting with them because they are already promoting us. 

[00:30:17] They love us. They want to promote us more. They are bringing more revenue. And when then we do some kind of rev share and yeah, I will keep you posted about that and make a story. But if you’re interested and you want me to make a podcast offer and do the whole project. Do let me know at aazar@aazarshad that has it. I would want to know how this affiliate white listing goes with you. This is a new idea from my side. And so if you’re curious about it to reach out to me and so I can keep you posted and send you an email or send you a podcast 

[00:30:50]perhaps it’s a private one. Just feel free to reach out for that. I can keep you posted on that. 

[00:30:55]Until. For the next podcast.



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