Growth Marketing Stories
with Aazar Shad
This is Aazar, I’m the Growth Marketing Lead at Synthesis, and a growth marketing enthusiast.
This podcast is about sustainable growth marketing stories, where we go on a journey to explore how growth marketers are moving their business needle and to get inspired.
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How Product-Led Content Drove Sparktoro’s Higher Retention
In this episode, we discussed how to launch product-led content. Listen in your favorite podcasting app – Spotify I Apple Podcast I Google Podcast
Growth Conversations: Why We Buy & How To Discover It
In this episode, I asked Katelyn Bourgoin to share in-depth details regarding consumer psychology and triggers. Here’s what we’ve discussed: 1:44: Kate’s startup experience
Growth Conversation With Steph Smith: Growth Marketing & Playing Chess, Mental Models, Influencer Marketing & Side Hustle Lessons
In this episode, we dive into Steph Smith’s growth marketing career lessons, mental models, and stories. 2:29 – How growth marketing & chess are
2 B2B Attribution Mistakes That You Should Never Do
In this episode, Steffen Hedebrandt – The CRO of shared his two big mistakes regarding revenue attribution you should never do. We talked
How Truebill Grew Zero to $100Mn in ARR (But They Almost Died Early On)
In this episode, we cover an inspiring story of Truebill and its growth levers. We discussed: 3:07 – The Truebill original story 5:25 –
How Traffit Grew 36%/Year With Net Negative Churn (Without Adding New Business Revenue)
In this episode, we discuss Traffit’s story. They added 36% / year additional growth just by focusing on negative churn (excluding new business revenue).