Ship 30 for 30 Review: I Bought & Tried and Later Fell in Love With the Program 

Ship30for30 review

So, I saw Ship30 for 30 on Twitter. And, after trying the program, subscribing for a year subscription, I am here to share my honest, in-depth Ship 30 for 30 review.

Let me tell you something, I used to suck as a writer. And I also thought I will never improve as a writer and build an audience. But Ship30 for 30 changed me for good.

I have grown my audience from 1000 to 28K on Twitter and 38K on LI with writing well. You can find my viral threads here.

Being a writer in the digital age isn’t an easy task. The struggles are many, from constant distractions to overthinking and mostly escaping the clutches of procrastination to building up a consistent writing habit. 

After building up to a readership base of 14,000 followers on Twitter, I could feel my writing habit decline. Though I hoped to write daily, I found myself sitting down to write maybe once a week.

I started searching online for a tool, a course, or any program that could help me build consistency as a writer. After going through several thousand-dollar online writing programs, I found something affordable, efficient, and, most importantly, provided just the support I needed.

Enter Ship 30 for 30, an online program that addresses the three biggest problems of building a creative habit– idea generation, establishing helpful constraints to avoid distraction, and a supportive community to keep you going.

If you’ve stumbled across this article, it’s safe to assume you’re interested in Ship 30 for 30. Luckily, I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you, so you don’t have to!

Just read on to learn all you need to know about Ship 30 for 30, the key features, pricing, and the things I loved! 

Oh talking about love, I used to run an online enrichment program for kids and we are the best in the business, until I found how all great community-building tactics to get inspired from Ship 30 for 30.

But first, time for some transparency: I may get some commission if you click on some of the links in this article (at no cost to you!) Also, companies do not pay me to write these reviews. I buy and test these tools myself, and I support some of these tools regardless. 

Table of Content

Ship 30 for 30 Review: Overview

Ship 30 For 30 review

Simply put, Ship 30 for 30 is a cohort-based online writing course that has taught the essentials of digital writing to 4,000+ writers. But unlike other writing courses, Ship 30 for 30 focuses on practical application– ensuring you produce 30 pieces of published writing, form lifetime connections, and walk away with a thorough understanding of online writing.

The program instills confidence in novices. You learn to organize your ideas and see what good writers can accomplish in a short essay. For seasoned writers, it’s a wake-up call to develop a continuous writing habit and conquer mental roadblocks like procrastination, perfectionism and overthinking.

Throughout the weeks, the curriculum walks you through onboarding, digital writing insights, tactics to capture attention and develop credibility, data-driven writing practice, owning a niche, and more. 

But it’s not all done and discarded. Once you complete the program, Ship 30 for 30 provides you with a Digital Writing Treasure Map. The map gives you an idea of how you can use writing to further accelerate your career– from blogging to copywriting, freelancing, or publishing your own book.

Ship 30 for 30 Review: Key Features

Ship 30 for 30 offers a clear set of content without any fluff. Let us take a look at its key features.

  • An extensive library of writing resources and tools
  • Regular live sessions with lifetime access to recorded replays, chat transcripts and show notes
  • Office hour sessions for personalized insights
  • A supportive community that helps reinforce accountability
  • Practical application with 30 atomic essays published in 30 days
  • Multiple templates and frameworks for idea generation


I’m not going to pretend the $800 price tag for Ship 30 for 30 isn’t a bit steep. But with most other online writing courses priced at 4-figures, it doesn’t seem like much.

Ship 30 for 30 aims to be accessible while still charging enough to keep you accountable. If you’re still not convinced, they also guarantee a 100% risk-free investment. If, after engaging with the course materials and attending the live sessions, you are unsatisfied, Ship 30 for 30 refunds your purchase. 

Ship 30 for 30 also has the option of scholarships to make their course more accessible (I got one later on).

ship 30 for 30

(plus if you use the above button, you get a ship30for30 $100 discount coupon)


Who Is It For?

Ship 30 for 30 is best for writers struggling with consistency. Many writers start with determination, only to fall off later. But other than procrastination, if overthinking or even a frustrating need for perfection keeps you from hitting publish, Ship 30 for 30 can help you.

While there are many other online writing courses, Ship 30 for 30 provides you personalized support to achieve whatever you want your content to achieve– from building audiences to creating impactful content and accelerating your digital writing career.

Ship 30 for 30 Review: 3 Things I Loved About Ship 30 For 30

There’s a lot to love about Ship 30 for 30, but the three things I appreciated the most would be:

  • Sense of Community: For authors, having a support system can make all the difference. With their incredible Twitter community, Ship 30 for 30 gives you just that. You interact with other Shippers by following them, reading and commenting on their posts, and publishing your stuff for some constructive critique. The course allows you to join a private writer’s community with channels dedicated to various themes, platforms, niches, and geographies. The friendships you form with your Ship30 cohort are an important aspect of the experience. By the end of the program, you build the confidence to put your writing before the world, with no fear of public scrutiny and simply the opportunity to receive helpful reviews and insights from other writers.

  • Content Access: Ship 30 for 30 gives you access to a wealth of information, including eight live workshop sessions with examples, Q&A sessions, and walkthroughs, ten self-paced modules, multiple frameworks for idea generation, and the opportunity to take away thirty pieces of written content and a thorough understanding of digital writing. Additionally, you get lifetime access to the session recordings (which include detailed show notes and transcripts) and bonus access to recordings from all past Ship 30 cohorts. 
  • Social Blogging: Another advantage of Ship 30 for 30 is the opportunity to transform your blogging into an organic, social experience. The Ship 30 community is a place where you can connect with thousands of writers– real people who share the same journey, provide feedback, discuss, share, retweet, and help you establish a sense of accountability for the 30-day tasks. Beyond the community-based accountability, Ship 30 for 30 also has multiple measures to invoke accountability. Additionally, with the option for office hour calls, you can receive personalized advice and insights on your blog’s performance and learn about ways to improve it.

There aren’t many ideas I have for Ship30 that they haven’t already implemented. But what I still wish the course had would be an additional monetary incentive. While having to pay $599 initially is plenty of incentive to make the most out of Ship 30 for 30, the promise to get a portion of the payment back upon successful completion of the program would make for some powerful motivation.

Final Verdict

As a writer struggling to keep up the consistency, I love Ship 30 for 30. It’s one of the best ways to build a writing habit on the internet– with a practice-based structure and a helpful, supportive community. They help you organize ideas, publish without fear of public scrutiny, and build expertise in topics that interest you. 

Apart from the laser focus on habit formation, the best part of Ship30 is that you become part of the community. The community always likes, critiques, and promotes new Ship 30 for 30 essays on Twitter, ensuring that your content gets its deserved visibility.

So, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned writer, if you’re interested in Ship 30 for 30, they provide a 13,000-word Ultimate Guide and a free email course. These are good options for anyone still hesitant to shell out such a big initial payment.


Disclaimer: I may receive commissions for some of the links mentioned (at no cost to you) if you decide to purchase a paid plan. However, whatever I review, they are some of the best tools I tested, and I support them personally. You can get further details in my privacy policy & affiliate disclosure.




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