Why Your Marketing Team Needs To Work Like a Product Team

Why Your Marketing Team Needs To Work Like a Product Team

Podcast Details

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In this episode, we’re going to learn from a product growth specialist.

We discussed:

  • Why does your content team need to think like a product team?
  • How does it benefit?
  • Live case study on how to think
  • What’s a ProdPad way of thinking?

Show Notes

  • 2:00 – How & Why ProdPod’s team moved towards a theme-based content production
  • 3:23 – Why every team should operate as a product?
  • 3:56 – Provable metrics that moved for ProdPad’s team moving towards theme-based content production
  • 5:38 – How Andrea & ProdPad’s run their experiments?
  • 8:12 – How Prodpad was able to grow its social media account?
  • 10:34 – Live case study on how to make theme-based content work
  • 18:58 – What’s a ProdPad way of approaching any problem?

Follow — ProdPad’s Twitter account & Andrea’s LinkedIn Profile to stay updated. I personally learn from Andrea’s mindset and posts on my LinkedIn newsfeed.



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