Episode 0

Growth Marketing Stories: Welcome to the Show

This episode is all about episodes premise and why I am doing this podcast. But most of all, it’s not about the growth hacks

Podcast Details



Have you had someone just connected with you on LinkedIn, and immediately pitched you? 

Or did someone send you a cold email that made you cringe? 

Oh the best one, you visited a website, and already purchased the product but they’re still offering to “sign up for a free trial”in their ad. 

I’ve gone through this myself. I’m tired of these growth hacks.

Folks are abusing growth hacking. 


… It’s not one hack that grows your business.

… There’s no one experiment that will give you short term success.

… Growth hacking is not sustainable, and we’re copy-pasting instead of innovating. 

We need to stop focusing on growth hacking, and instead start focusing on sustainable growth marketing that can be inspirational so that you can do your creative work by learning from others’ stories. No hacks or tips. 

This is Aazar, I’m the Head of Growth at Userpilot, and a growth marketing enthusiast.

This podcast is about sustainable growth marketing stories, where we go on a journey to explore how growth marketers are moving their business needle and to get inspired.  

It’s about digging deeper and getting into details. It’s about inspiring each other to do better work.

Every week we’ll focus on one inspiring story that will tickle your creative neurons to find inspiration for your own work. 

This is Growth Marketing Stories.



Growth Marketing THAT inspire you to do better work in your inbox

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